The fine print.
You must be 21 years of age or older, to order or receive alcoholic beverages from Popelouchum Estate. Receipt of shipments containing alcoholic beverages requires an adult (21+) signature. Wines purchased from Popelouchum Estate are not for resale, and are for personal consumption only.
Wine is a Delicate Commodity
Wine is a perishable commodity. Wine does not like temperature extremes: hot humid summer and cold winter weather may adversely affect the condition of your wine during shipment. Popelouchum Estate is not responsible for, and will not replace wine that is damaged by extreme weather conditions during shipment. Popelouchum Estate monitors weather prior to releasing shipment and will place a hold on shipment if deemed necessary. When your wine order is picked up by the common carrier for delivery, responsibility for the wine becomes the responsibility of the purchaser.
Due to the ever-changing nature of wine shipping laws, please see the current list of states where we are able to ship on our shop page.
United Postal Service (UPS) Ground is our preferred carrier. Should you wish to use a different carrier, please contact us directly.
Re-routes and Returns
If you need your wine redirected to another address in your area let us know as soon as possible. Wine that is returned to us will incur additional fees for restocking and reshipping.
If your wine is flawed in any way, let us know and we will replace it. By using screw caps, we have mitigated on any corkage issues so the likelihood of receiving flawed wine is minimal.
Questions, comments, or fun photos?
Email us at